Escada Piacenza vintage luxury Llama virgin wool ankle length swagger coat, banded blue frost fox collar cuffs front grey 1990s Y2K Mobwife
Wow this is so luxe! It's an ankle length grey coat in 42% Llama with virgin wool , and complimentary blue frost fox collar with bands down the front. A half belt on the back just nips it in enough, and the fall of the fox tux is just slightly asymmetrical quite a statement. Swagger. swagger and swagger babe. If you are gonna do Mobwife do it right with an actual Italian quality coat!
Suitable for a UK size 10 to 14 I would say, though I am a size UK 8 and would wear it and errr....did as it was well below freezing after the shoot so went for early dinner wearing it. And yeah its the kinda coat that gets doors opened for you and great service heh nobody knows I'm just a retail worker with a small biz. Got asked if I was Russian, Ukrainian, Italian, etc. People do fall over themselves a bit when they see a bit of luxury and actually even nicer to you when they find out you are down to earth normal. Nut it is a movie star St Moritz White Turf or swanning around Vienna or Milan mid winter kinda coat isn't it? Or rooftop gardens in Kensington gets cold up there when you are having a cocktail and can't weave your seductive magic shivering in a skimpy dress now ladies....learn this.
Difficult to put a precise age on this as Dior, YSL and Escada started doing these opulent front jackets and coats around 1994, and continued to around 2004. Wouldn't be much later than that as Escada stopped doing real fur around 2008; and then it tended to be the ski wear stuff. So I am putting it at around the turn of the century, but may be earlier, or slightly later.
It's not so much the fox but the quality of the llama as well as the style, that makes me think this was originally a very expensive piece. Many thousands, Llama helps rural communities in places like Peru and is a beautifully luxurious fabric. Omg you just want to stroke it all day long; such a fabulous nap. Unfortunately because its a long coat, I suspect it has been hung in a heap at the bottom so has some creases, but I think they may drop out in time (refer to photos). I do not want to steam this, and was eager to photo it right away. So will update you on this. It's no bg deal to me.
Should I keep? Should I? I don't know. I want to but it probably is a size or two too big for me, and feel someone a little bigger could carry it so well. But I am pushing 60 and got complimented by a fellah in his early thirties very dashing so you know.. I don't know may decide to keep. But I ain't no sugar mummy though I may look it in this heh heh.
I mean if you are headed for an alpine resort maybe White Turf this is the coat for you! And if I come into some money before it is sold I am keeping it and taking her there she for sure deserves to stand on the frozen lake paddock and put the ample fabric round your shivering jockey, lounge in Badrutts Palace hotel lick my boots you Davos imposter corporate mobsters....this is true elite fashion stuff your drab pretending to be normal polyester suits & puffa ski jackets where sun don't shine we working class girls will blow your dreary women away don't you dare cast your male gaze in our direction. Ha ha well it is Escada after all it isn't for the hard of thinking about a style! Anyway, we aren't ashamed of such you can wear this with pride to any smart event and swan around appropriately. Maybe if you are a guy looking well hell yeah your girl deserves this surely you aren't a meanie like those rich elite who dress down their poor women? Always a birthday Xmas or Valentine's Day coming up guys....
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