Harella tweed jacket/suit for Simon & Edgar
The story of Harella is one of the saddest of British Fashion. Their quality was that good they became a huge success and second biggest exporter of UK fashion, with their wool tweeds in particular demand.They were taken over by Sellicourt in 1963 for £3 million a colossal amount then. They had been the pride of Halifax textiles and clothing for decades. Taken over again by S R Gent who made clothing for M&S , in 1979, they eventually folded in 2003 a victim of globalization and cheap imported clothing, fast fashion using exploited labour.
Just look at how beautiful this jacket is: a pinkish shade of red, wool tweed like new colour & sturdiness wise. Trimmed with soft sheepskin mouton fur, The cut is sensational so flattering.
It was once a full suit and the skirt comes with it and also immaculate, but here's the thing:
the waist is 24 inches so was tailored for corset. But, at some point it was taken up likely in the 1960s after Jean Shrimpton's debut at Melbourne Cup 1965 in this length of skirt. So the skirt won't suit the fifties corset wearing purist, but if you are happy with a very sexy Mad Men look and you have a good bust & bullet bra, but slim waist you are going to knock men dead with it.
So I am just pricing it for the jacket though the skirt comes free.
Measurements: skirt waist 24 inches, hips 34 inches.
Jacket bust 36 inches.
So if you are built like Jayne Mansfield Marilyn Monroe or Jane Russell then it's for you as a suit!
36 24 34 wow.
Otherwise, it's a nice size UK 12 jacket. Looks best with a bullet bra all the same these garments were cut for them & can be cotton wool padded for maximum effect.
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